26/1 | Nu kör vi.
Nu, eller snart kommer Emelie och hämtar upp mig. Sen blir det raka vägen till Egypten. Vi ses om en vecka!
20/1 | Hakuna Matata part 2
20/1 | Hakuna Matata
Idag har det varit en bra dag på jobbet.
Jag har varit väldigt flamsig, men det var roligt.
Ett pass kvar sen har jag min semester! Sweeet!
Jag har varit väldigt flamsig, men det var roligt.
Ett pass kvar sen har jag min semester! Sweeet!
14/1 | Flowers and Football tops

9/1 | My life as Muse
Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Try not to repeat a song title. It's harder than you think..
Pick Your Artist: MUSE
Are you male or female: Plug in baby
Describe yourself: Invincible
How do you feel about yourself: Feeling good
Describe where you currently live: United states of Eurasia
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: City of delusion
Your favorite form of transportation: Butterflies and hurricanes
Your best friend is: Fillip
Your favorite color is: Sunburn
What's the weather like: Glorious
Favorite time of day: Blackout
If your life was a tv show, what would it be called?: Knights of Cydonia
What is life to you: Apocalypse Please
What is the best advice you have to give: Take a bow
If you could change your name, what would it be: Starlight
Your favorite food is: New born
Thought for the Day: Time is running out
How I would like to die: Unnatural selection
My soul's present condition: Hysteria
The faults I can bear: Thoughts of a dying atheist
My motto: Sing for absolution

PS. Jag tänkte ta Kent, men det var för enkelt!
Pick Your Artist: MUSE
Are you male or female: Plug in baby
Describe yourself: Invincible
How do you feel about yourself: Feeling good
Describe where you currently live: United states of Eurasia
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: City of delusion
Your favorite form of transportation: Butterflies and hurricanes
Your best friend is: Fillip
Your favorite color is: Sunburn
What's the weather like: Glorious
Favorite time of day: Blackout
If your life was a tv show, what would it be called?: Knights of Cydonia
What is life to you: Apocalypse Please
What is the best advice you have to give: Take a bow
If you could change your name, what would it be: Starlight
Your favorite food is: New born
Thought for the Day: Time is running out
How I would like to die: Unnatural selection
My soul's present condition: Hysteria
The faults I can bear: Thoughts of a dying atheist
My motto: Sing for absolution

PS. Jag tänkte ta Kent, men det var för enkelt!
6/1 | Standing on the shore
Semester, check!
Den 26 åker vi till Egypten. Äntligen får jag se solen och värmen. Gud vad härligt det kommer att bli.
Har redan börjat packa i mitt huvud.
Längtar till man kan ligga vid poolen och läsa en bra bok och dricka en öl. Yes, fan vad nice det ska bli! Räknar dagarna.
Den 26 åker vi till Egypten. Äntligen får jag se solen och värmen. Gud vad härligt det kommer att bli.
Har redan börjat packa i mitt huvud.
Längtar till man kan ligga vid poolen och läsa en bra bok och dricka en öl. Yes, fan vad nice det ska bli! Räknar dagarna.